1)India is currently home to 17%of the earth entire population.there are roughly the same no of people living in mumbai as there are in whole of australia.
2)tokyo's population swells in the day time but decrease by 2.5 million at night.
3)Russia is around 39 million times bigger thanthe smallest country in the world.Vatican city
4)each one of us shed almost million skin cell every day.

5)a labrador retriever can carry an egg in its mouth without breaking it.
6)The most venomous fish in the world ,a sting from a stone fish can cause excruiating pain and even a death
7)a tiny dose of mamba toxin could kill a room full of people.
8)wandering albatrosses can live for upto 50year and are rarely seen on land .
9)cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to over 100km/h(62 mph)in three second.
10)elephants and hippos are among worlds most agressive animals.
11)Argentinosaurus weighing upto 88 tonnes-equivalent to approximately 12 london buses.this enormous creature was upto 35m in length.
12)lake Baikal is 4.5 times deeper than the height of the empire state building.
13)according to billboard magazine ,taylor swift was the most financially successful music artist of 2011.
14)facebook is valued at around us$100billion more than 12 times the value of the twitter.
15) Eclipse an estimated €300million the largest private yatch belong to russian oligarch Roman Abramovich.
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