Thursday, August 18, 2016

Snake Robots: Can you watch this without squirming?


Are you, truly, perplexed of snakes?but STill you need to have one . Shouldn't something be said about snakes robots who are more similar to wind and in addition valuable 

This advancement utilizes nature for motivation, which is only one unimaginable case of biomimicry; a developing field of science at the crossing point of building, configuration.  , you will see that the snake robot has some amazing capacities as the characteristic snake have from curling to creeping and applications, about which we will soon take in more. Be that as it may, initially, we should investigate the potential outcomes application.

What is the potential for the snake robot?

magine  the many dirty jobs that, performed by humans, endanger lives, or jobs that require access to small spaces, spaces that even conventional robots, with limbs or wheels, could never access.   Consider the possibility for assisting in minimally-invasive surgery, for inspection of power plants, for aiding in search and rescue efforts, in archeological digs.   When one considers the many fields of work and disciplines of study in which we humans are engaged, and the number of associated problems we are trying to solve, it becomes clear that the snake robot has a lot of potential indeed!

If you’d like to read more about the snake robot  rhen ou can still google it .
Snake robots aren’t just interesting creepy crawlies, they offer us a chance to explore our world and enhance our experience. Inventions like the snake robot remind us to look to nature in our search for solutions to our many problems.This innovation can lead us to save the natural threatened species .

Here are few snake robots pics that i have downloaded from google .see and enjoy


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