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Sunday, August 28, 2016

The world tallest statue

The world tallest statue

@ 128m(420ft) the spring temple buddha at jiuhua mountain  in central china is currently the worlds tallest statue .it may be overtaken by the monument to the Native American worrior crazy horse in south  Dakota , a work progress since 1948, this is planned to top out at 172m (564ft) when complete.



The worlds tallest tower which is free standing and accessible  is the Tokyo sky tree in japan . This steel tower which was completed early in 2012 stand 634m(2080ft)high.It is a digital radio and tv broadcasting  tower and has two observation level with  shops and resturant that are open to public.The tokyo sky tree is taller than the canton tower in china tower which stand 600m and ct tower in canada  which stand at 553m .

Wednesday, August 24, 2016



A massive earthquack of  6.2 quake has struck focal Italy, leaving no less than 38 individuals dead and 150 missing, as rescuers quest for survivors. A significant number of the dead were in Accumoli, near the epicenter, and a short separation away in Amatrice, which was to a great extent diminished to rubble. The town of Pescara del Tronto was leveled to the ground and the quantity of dead was relied upon to rise.

The shake hit at 03:36 (01:36 GMT), 100km (65 miles) north-east of Rome. Executive Matteo Renzi paid tribute to the volunteers and common resistance authorities who had hurried to the scene amidst the night and utilized their uncovered hands to burrow for survivors,

Local authorities were unsure of the full extent of casualties but 28 deaths were reported in Accumoli and Amatrice.
Eleven people were reported dead including children in the neighbouring villages of Pescara del Tronto and Arquata del Tronto.
An elderly couple and a boy were among the victims there while 20 people have been taken to hospital. Two boys aged four and seven were pulled alive from the rubble of the house they had been staying in with their grandmother, Ansa news agency reports. Rescuers said they had been sheltering under a bed.
Rescuers were still trying to reach the remote village of Peracchia di Acqua Santa Terme a few kilometres to the east.

1)TELWATTA,Srilanka 26dec 2004
The queen of the sea train was struck by the tsunami of indian ocean.the resulting devastation made it impossible to determine the precise no of the casulties on the train a figure of 1700 to 2000 being oficially quoted.

2)Bagmati river india 6june 1981

Carriages of the train plunged off a bridge when the driver braked apparently to avoid hitting a sacred cow .although  the official death toll was said to have been 268 many authorities claimed that the train was so massively overcrowed that the actual figure was in excess of 8000

3)Chelyabinsk Russia 3june 1989

Image result for 3)Chelyabinsk Russia 3june 1989 train reck
Two passenger trains laden with holidaymaker heading to and from black sea resort were destroyed when liquid gas from nearby pipeline exploded.

4)Guadalajara mexico 18jan 1915

A train derailed on a steep incline but political strife in the country  meant that full details of the disaster were suppressed.

5)Modane france 12dec 1917

Image result for 5)Modane france 12dec 1917 train reck
A troop carrying train ran out of control and was derailed.it has been claimed that it was so over crowed that as many as 800 may have died.

6)Balvano Italy 2may 1944

A heavily laden train stalled in the Armi tunnel and many passenger were asphyxiated.like a disaster a torre  wartime secrwcy prevented full details from being published.

7)Torre Spain 3jan 1944

A double collison and fire in the tunnel resulted in many death.some authorities have put the total as high as 800.

8)Awash ethiopia13jan 1985
Image result for 8)Awash ethiopia13jan 1985 train accident
A derailment hurled a train Laden with some 1000 passenger into a rivine

9)cireau.Romania 7jan 1917

An over crowed passenger train crashed into a military train and was derailed.

10)reqa al gharbiya egypt 20 feb 2002

 a fire on the cairo luxor train engulfed the carriages.the driver was unaware and continued  while passenger were burnt or leapt from train to their death.

Monday, August 22, 2016


1)The  heart of reptiles are 3 chambered except in crocodile and aligator where it is 4 chambered.
2)Lungs are absent in fishes but lung fishes have lungs as well as gills .
3) mammals give birth to their babies but Duck  billed platypus and spiny ant eater are egg laying mammals .
4)RBCs are circular and biconcave  in mammals except camel and LIama where they are oval and flat.
5) Larva  of american salamander can reproduce sexually and the phenomenon is called pedogenisis.
6) the drones of honey bee are developed from unfertilised eggs.
7)ostrich and kiwi are the birds that cannot fly.
8)DNA is double stranded but in virus coliphase *174 it is single stranded and also RNA is commonly single stranded but in Rheo virus it is double stranded .
8)roots of the plants are normally positive geotropism the roots of mangroove are negative geotropismand known as pneumatophores.
9)roots are non green and non photosynthetic but they are green and photosynthetic in Tinospora.
1o)stem are normally aerial but in no of plants they have underground eg banana, colocassia,ginger.
11)yucca and Dracaena although being  monocot show secondary growth.


1)India is currently home to 17%of the earth entire population.there are roughly the same no of people living in mumbai as there are in whole of australia.

2)tokyo's population swells in the day time but decrease by 2.5 million at night.

3)Russia is around 39 million times bigger thanthe smallest country in the world.Vatican city
Image result for russia   map
4)each one of us shed almost million skin cell every day.
Image result for skin layer falling
5)a labrador retriever can carry an egg in its mouth without breaking it.

6)The most venomous fish in the world ,a sting from a stone fish can cause excruiating pain and even a death
7)a tiny dose of mamba toxin could kill a room full of people.

8)wandering albatrosses can live for upto 50year and are rarely seen on land .
Image result for wandering albatross
9)cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to over 100km/h(62 mph)in three second.

10)elephants and hippos are among worlds most agressive animals.

11)Argentinosaurus weighing upto 88 tonnes-equivalent to approximately 12 london buses.this enormous creature was upto 35m in length.

12)lake Baikal is 4.5 times deeper than the height of the empire state building.

13)according to billboard magazine ,taylor swift was the most financially successful music artist of 2011.

14)facebook is valued at around us$100billion more than 12 times the value of the twitter.

15) Eclipse an estimated €300million  the largest private yatch belong to russian oligarch Roman Abramovich.

Saturday, August 20, 2016


Here and there the answer for an apparently unmanageable issue is shockingly basic. Take a flame douser produced using a bundle of vinegar and heating pop and spare thousands who live in packed shantytowns. Then again utilize a magnifying lens the span of a bookmark  and weighing about as much and send it to creating nations to help them survive preventable sicknesses. These are only two of the four developments portrayed underneath by our OZY correspondents that you may not think about but rather that share, a monster objective to spare a great many lives.

A Billboard That Acts Like 1,200 Trees

Truth: Most urban communities have an excessive amount of contamination and insufficient clean air. Another reality: Lima, Peru, has the most exceedingly terrible air quality in Latin America. Peru's University of Technology and Engineering has found a conceivable answer for this issue with air-filtering bulletins. Engineers have conceived a system that goes inside the announcement and, depending on standards of thermodynamics, sucks the dirtied air into a water tank, catching earth particles, and discharging wipe ventilate the other side. Another board task is relied upon to change over the nation's normally moist air into drinkable water for the capital's dry groups.

The $1 Fire Extinguisher That Fits in Your Pocket

In created nations, fire dousers are ordinary—required by law in numerous spots, actually. In any case, in the Philippines, they can cost upwards of $45, putting them out of span of poor families. As anyone might expect, there are around 8,000 house fires in the Philippines every year, most in stuffed ghettos where structures are made of wood and plastic. To address this hazard, the thickly populated city of Las Pinas banded together with an outline organization to concoct a $1 fire douser sufficiently little to hold in your palm. The gadget is a pocket containing vinegar and a fixed case of heating pop, consolidating to shape putting out fires carbon dioxide. It's shabby, it works and it could be utilized as a part of destitution stricken neighborhoods all over the place.

Ratul Narain and His Baby-Saving Thermometer

At the point when 30-year-old Ratul Narain returned home to India in the wake of planning restorative gadgets at Johnson and Johnson for quite a long time, he seized on an issue out of this world fundamental: shielding babies from the perils of hypothermia. With assistance from the Gates Foundation, Narain propelled a start-up to produce wristbands that screen children's body temperature and sound alerts in the event that they drop too low. UNICEF appraises that anticipating hypothermia could spare somewhere around 600,000 and 1.4 million infants who'd generally kick the bucket in their first month. The band is still in the testing stage and a few obstacles stay, from dispersion to getting specialists and doctor's facilities on board. However, tackling huge issues begins with gradual steps.

The Foldscope: A Microscope Made From Paper

In the event that A doctor  experiences an irresistible infection like jungle fever, he needs two things: a blood test and a magnifying instrument. Taking an example is moderately simple, yet magnifying lens are another matter. They are substantial, lumbering and excessively costly for individuals in creating nations, where irresistible sicknesses tend to prosper the most. The answer? A magnifying instrument produced using foldable card-stock. Planned by a bioengineer at Stanford, the Foldscope costs 50 pennies and can be collected in under 20 minutes. Furthermore, regardless of its super-lightweight configuration, it is both solid, equipped for persevering through a tumble from a third-story window, and intense, amplifying tests up to 2,000 times. Impeccable, as it were, for persisting brutal field conditions.


Individuals who are at a higher danger of creating arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, ought to no more dread for their prosperity, since a machine for purging veins was as of late reported byScience and Nature. The machine's framework depends on a vacuum which serves to expel blood vessel plaque.  Moreover, the whole procedure is observed by a specialist on a smaller than expected camera. After the sum total of what plaque has been evacuated, the machine is additionally expelled and blood stream is back to ordinary.

This framework utilizes a vacuum to expel the plaques in the courses. . The specialist can watch the advancement on a little camera. After the evacuation of the plaques, the machine is expelled, so the blood can stream once more.

Coronary atherectomy has been around for over 20 years, yet the innovation used to perform it has been mind boggling, driving a few specialists to pick open heart surgery to evacuate substantial blockages. In any case, new innovation called the Diamondback 360 Coronary Orbital Atherectomy System was as of late endorsed by the U.S. Sustenance and Drug Administration and the technique is making it less demanding and more secure for patients to experience the method.

Archaeologists just uncovered an American manuscript hidden in plain sight for 500 years

Much sooner than White-Out was designed, individuals still discovered approaches to get another opportunity at reusing a surface. Medieval recorders scratched the ink off sheets of creature stow away to reuse the pages. A lot of specialists have painted more than one picture with another.

There are just a modest bunch of original copies staying from before Europeans went to the landmass. They're made of calfskin strips covered with a white mortar like substance called gesso. The one the analysts contemplated is known as the Codex Selden, and researchers have been suspicious throughout recent decades that the book is concealing something underneath its surface. 

However, the Mixtec individuals who made the original copy utilized inks produced using plant materials. That implies there haven't been any systems that would give analysts what might as well be called X-beam vision, giving them a chance to see a shrouded picture without obliterating the surface of the original copy as we probably am aware it. A genuinely new system called hyperspectral imaging changed that. It gives specialists a chance to take high-determination pictures at a wide range of wavelengths of light. Those pictures can then be included and subtracted against each other to uncover the phantoms underneath an original copy's surface. 

The uncommon books group has been utilizing it for the past couple years on a scope of writings like the Archimedes Palimpsest, a lost original copy of Archimedes holed up behind a thirteenth century religious content, and the principal guide to highlight "America" on it.

What the outputs uncovered 

The scientists haven't yet filtered every one of the pages, and note in the paper that understanding can't generally happen until the whole original copy is examined. Be that as it may, they were still ready to recognize unique individuals in the first content. As they sweep more, they might have the capacity to associate those characters with verifiable figures. While the content hasn't been deciphered's, despite everything it energizing for a couple diverse reasons. Obviously, when you have less than two dozen compositions from a whole area and period ever, any augmentations are energizing for researchers. 

Yet, from these early sweeps, the scientists could make sense of that the concealed composition is an alternate style from any of the others that have survived. That implies it could offer another viewpoint on archeological finds from the range. 
The concealed content likewise streams sideways crosswise over page spreads, as opposed to from base to beat the way the composition at first glance does. 

Since they have affirmed there's a whole other world to see under the surface, scientists are trusting whatever is left of the book can be examined and even that these pages can be returned to with more grounded light at various wavelengths to better comprehend the book and its history.

Friday, August 19, 2016

These top super cool gadgets make you feel wow.


The Greatest Innovation in Travel Lets You Drag Your Suitcase With No Hands

You can never have enough free hands at the airplane terminal for juggling your loading up pass, your visa, your espresso, your snacks, and your portable suitcase. The answer for that issue came to beginner creator Robert Lian while he was sitting tight for a flight one day. What around a plastic tail that let explorers tow 

their gear

The Next Version of Gorilla Glass Will Help Your Phone Survive a Five-Foot Fall

It's a shocking incongruity that the gadget we now depend on so intensely is additionally so inconceivably delicate. Your cell phone's enormous, lovely touchscreen is a mishap holding up to happen, yet Corning proceeds its generous to enhance the survival rate of your equipment, and its most recent 

creation, Gorilla Glass 5, ought to offer assistance.

You Can Now 3D-Print One of Watchmaking's Modern Mechanic Marvels

Watchmakers are continually endeavoring to include more elements to their timepieces, yet it's the most straightforward and evident element— precisely keeping the time—that is the blessed chalice of horology. Also, now you can 3D-print a tourbillon, a perplexing gadget that enhances a watch's exactness, and wonder about its mechanics. 

You Can Now Use Your Wireless Controllers With the Original Super Nintendo

We were baffled when Polar relinquished the GPS abilities of the M400 savvy sports observe so that its A300 , uncovered in mid 2015, could hit the business sector with a less expensive sticker price. Be that as it may reasonableness is clearly no more as essential to the organization as components, since Polar's new M600 is an all out 
Android Wear… 

Manufacture Your Own Fighting RobotWithout Any Electronics Skills

In the event that the first NES was your first pulverize, the Super Nintendo was the console you needed to spend whatever is left of your life with. Its adjusted controller was a awesome work of mechanical outline, yet regardless it had a wire. Wires suck. With this new connector , nonetheless, your adored 16- bit console can at long last cut the controller 

Polar's New Fitness Tracker Is a Full-on Android Smartwatch

With BattleBots back on TV , you've likely got a considerable measure of easy chair suppositions on the best way to manufacture a bot that would effortlessly 
win the competition. The main issue is your complete absence of hardware and 
designing ability. With the Ganker robot , you don't have to know how 

to bind to assemble, redo, and fight your own thing.

top 10 celebrities with most expensive breast surgery

These famous people looks astonishing with new molded bosom inserts. The following are main 10 famous people who madly spent bunches of cash for Bosom insert.


Salma Hayek stunned the world with her new arrangement of bosoms, much bigger, firmer, and rounder. In spite of the fact that she never really confessed to having them done, she can't trick the cameras. It appears that being honored with ladylike bends and regular magnificence was insufficient, and she went from a C-glass to a porn-like twofold D. Despite her choices in life, she looks magnificent, and In Touch magazine put her at No. 3 with the best bosoms in Hollywood.

Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra have more in like manner than just Baywatch. It's as of now over 10 years since Carmen Electra initially confessed to having had breastaugmentations. She herself attributes her acclaim to her impeccable body bends, winning grin, and awesome pair of bosoms. The previous Playboy model went from a 32B to a twofold D. Later, she conceded that perhaps she didn't require them so enormous. All things considered, Carmen won't not have made it on the front of Playboy four times if not for her ideal bosoms.

Before plastic surgery, Nicole Kidman's bosoms were little, level. Be that as it may, that didn't prevent her from wearing uncovering dresses. Presently, with provocative firm bosoms, we as a whole need to concede she is more pleasant than at any other time. A decent arrangement of bosoms like hers expense roughly $15,000. She never affirmed the bits of gossip, however on the other hand she never truly needed to. 

She asserted she first pondered having bosom inserts at the youthful age of 16. She 
at that point held up ten entire years until she at last chose something should have been done about her bosoms. In this way, in late October 2007, previous Destiny's Child artist, artist, on-screen character, lyricist, performing artist, and TV have Kelly Rowland went under the blade. Soon thereafter, she gladly gloated another arrangement of boobs and she spoke the truth about them, as well. 

On the off chance that anybody could make little bosoms rock, it was Kate Hudson. It didn't appear to be such a major arrangement to her that she was level chested. Her grin might be her best embellishment, however disturbed her more than we had suspected. For her 31st birthday, Kate Hudson treated herself to a flawless little present; a smaller than normal boob work. With her new bosom inserts, she went for a little size that looks exceptionally characteristic. Kate's bosoms look common and impeccable, and it appears the starlet is more sure than any other time in recent memory. 

She admitted it with no shame. DeniseRichards underwent breast augmentation
procedures because she had tiny boobs.She first went under the knife when she was just 19. Later, the former Bond girl went on to have two other surgeries to correct the set. She was flat-chested and thought breast implants would make her look better and more feminine. She was right, her new breasts opened the path to stardom. Afterwards, she thought her implants were too big, so she had her breasts reduced. It wasn’t until her third procedure that she got it right, but finally she is pleased with her look.

While most superstars deny or attempt to cover up their plastic methodology, Heidi Montag, the previous The Hills star, went completely open, imparting her complete story to the world. In 2009, she experienced not one, not two, but rather ten plastic surgery strategies in only one day. She went the distance from a little A-glass siz e to a triple D, a change that won't go unnoticed. In any case, altogether, she experienced two bosom upgrade systems a few years separated. In spite of being satisfied with her enormous container size at to begin with, she started having misgivings and at last supplanted the inserts with a littler size, a "simple" D-glass. 

After she was found by a picture taker in Texas and chose to seek after a demonstrating profession, she settled on a twofold boob work, which implies two inserts in every bosom. Her new arrangement of bosoms helped her show up on the front of Playboy at 24 years old. In 1993, she was named Playmate of the Year. She wedded a 63-year-old very rich person, and handled her own particular reality show on E! Anna Nicole Smith is a fine case of how extensive bosoms can open a wide range of entryways in life furthermore of how everything can end in a brief instant.

At any rate she never denied completing your boobs. Dislike she could have tricked anybody. A while ago when she was featuring in Baywatch, she was a characteristic delight with thrilling lines everybody appreciated. She had as of now showed up in Playboy twice before choosing she required an adjustment in her life. When she had her bosom expanded, her popularity soar. She had her first method in 1990. After nine years, she had the inserts expelled. However in 2004, Pamela went under the blade once more, this time picking considerably greater ones. The popular society symbol parades her goliath bosoms with no disgrace, and is frequently credited similar to the person who began the entire boob work fever in America.

Angie is not one of those stars who chose she required greater bosoms to give her profession a lift. She on the other lost her bosoms while experiencing a twofold mastectomy in the wake of being followed with a 87% possibility of creating bosom malignancy. The tests alone cost $3,000, which Angie herself concedes is an abundant excess for the normal individual, starting an overall free for all concerning excessively costly quality testings, and standing out as truly newsworthy as she started attempting to make them open to everybody. Furthermore, a twofold mastectomy without complexities begins at $15,000 in U.S. healing facilities. Notwithstanding this, Jolie needed to experience reconstructive surgery strategies that included allografts (transplants), subsequently her high bosom insert costs. Regardless, Angelina is one of the fortunate ones. Her odds of being taken from this world by such a tormenting illness, similar to her mom, have been altogether decreased. Additionally, she can now flaunt a greater container size.